
Derivation of the kinematic equations

[ I have posted a youtube video on derving the kinematic equations, here is the link: deriving the 1-D kinematic equations. ]

We start with the definitions of average acceleration, and average velocity,

$\bar a=\dfrac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}$

$\bar v=\dfrac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}$

Kinematic equations are derived with the assumption that acceleration is constant. When the acceleration is constant, average and instantaneous acceleration are the same. So, we can replace $\bar a$ with $a$.

In the notations, we do some changes, first, we take the initial time, $t_1$ as 0, and the final time, $t_2$ as $t$, so we have the time interval, $\Delta t=t_2-t_1=t-0=t$.

And we take the initial velocity, $v_1=v_0$, and the final velocity, $v_2=v$. So $v$ is now the velocity after the time interval of $t$, or the velocity at time $t$. The change in velocity is therefore, $\Delta v=v_2-v_1=v-v_0$.

Putting these in the average acceleration equation:


Solving for $v$,


This is the first kinematic equation.

Next, take the average velocity equation, and substitute $\Delta t =t$, you will get,

$\bar v=\dfrac{\Delta x}{t}$.

From this,

$\Delta x=\bar v t$

We have two velocities, the initial velocity, $v_0$ and final velocity, $v$. If you add them and divide by 2, you get another equation for average velocity:

$ \bar {v} = \dfrac{v_0 + v}{2} $

Substituting this into the above equation,

$\boxed{\Delta x=\dfrac{1}{2}(v_0+v)t}$.

This is the second kinematic equation.

Now, substitute, $v$ from the first kinematic equation in the second kinematic equation,

$\Delta x=\dfrac{1}{2}(v_0+v_0+at)t$.


$\boxed{\Delta x=v_0t+\dfrac{1}{2}at^2}$.

This is the third kinematic equation.

Now, take the first kinematic equation, and solve for $t$, you will get,

$t = \dfrac{v-v_0}{a}$

Substitute this $t$ in the second kinematic equation, you will get

$\Delta x=\dfrac{1}{2}(v_0+v)\, \dfrac{v-v_0}{a}$.

[Here I have used the identity, $(A+B)(A-B)=A^2-B^2]$

Solving for $v^2$,

$\boxed{v^2 = v_0^2 + 2a \Delta x}$

This is the fourth kinematic equation.